WeatherMan 2.7.6

AudubonPublic Schools

EngagingStudents ~ Fostering Achievement ~ Cultivating 21st CenturyGlobal Skills

Weatherman 2.7.6 On Tv

WeatherMan was created in 2001 as a way to gather information from the National Weather Service and display that information in a concise way in an application. Features of Current Release: 2.7.6. Wuhan 7 day weather forecast including weather warnings, temperature, rain, wind, visibility, humidity and UV. The weatherman predicted that the temperature would be within 30 of 520 F.

CourseTitle: Earth Science

Weatherman 2.7.6 9

UnitName: Weather and Climate


Weatherman 2.7.6 Live

GradeLevel: 6

Content Statements

Weather, a complex interaction between many indicators, is important to our lives and affects the citizens of the planet in many ways.

Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPI)

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Common Core Standards



Overarching Essential Questions

What causes different kinds of weather?

How does weather differ from climate?

Why is understanding how weather forms important to our lives?

Overarching Enduring Understandings

Weather is the result of short-term variations in temperature, humidity, and air pressure (5.4.6.F.1)

Climate is the result of long-term patterns of temperature and precipitation (5.4.6.F.2)

Global patterns of atmospheric movement influence local weather (5.4.8.F.1)

Climate is influenced locally and globally by atmospheric interactions with land masses and bodies of water (5.4.8.F.2)

Weather (in the short term) and climate (in the long term) involve the transfer of energy in and out of the atmosphere (5.4.8.F.3)

Earth’s atmosphere is a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and gases that include water vapor. The atmosphere has a different physical and chemical composition at different elevations. (5.4.8.C.3)

Science Practice Skills (5.1.8.A.1-3; 5.1.8.B.1-4; 5.1.8.C.1-3; 5.1.8.D.1-4)

Unit Essential Questions

What are the indicators that interact to produce weather?

How do patterns in local weather create climate?

Why is weather forecasting important locally and globally?

Unit Enduring Understandings

Odyssey 2002 nav user manual pdf. Atmospheric conditions, land, and oceans interact to create varying weather conditions.

Local weather conditions create the climate of an area when recorded over time.

Weather forecasts help people in many ways.

Unit Rationale

Weather affects all of our lives in ways both large and small each day. Knowledge of how weather forms, understanding weather forecasts, and an awareness of how to prepare for severe weather are essential to life in the 21st century. In our world today, weather has far reaching interpersonal, environmental, and economic effects. This unit helps students to understand the role weather plays in their lives as well as the lives of others and to understand the role technology plays in forecasting weather today.

Unit Overview

In this unit students will learn how weather forms as a result of the complex interactions between temperature, humidity, and air pressure. Through the study and creation of forecasts they will understand how other conditions both in our country and the world at large play a role in weather. Additionally, students will learn how tools and technology are used to create forecasts and how these forecasts can be used both locally and globally. Working both independently and with their peers, students will practice real world skills in predicting and interpreting the weather in order to understand its role in their lives and the lives of others.

Authentic Learning Experiences

Students will learn how to read weather maps (climatographs) found in various media in order to get information about the day’s weather and future weather. In addition they will identify and use the tools and technology used to create weather forecasts using hands-on and virtual activities. Students will create a weather map of major US interior and coastal cities using appropriate symbols and write a forecast based on the map. Students will research other cultures throughout the world and learn how weather influences the land and people. Finally, students will write a narrative in which they reflect on and describe a time when weather affected their own lives personally.

21st Century Skills and Themes

Global Awareness

Students will consider how weather in one area of our country can be used to predict and plan for weather in other locales. In addition they will understand how weather travels and varies across our own country. This information can be used to keep people safe as well as plan for activities.

Students will gain a perspective of how weather affects people both personally and economically throughout the world. By studying how daily weather conditions form a climate over time, students will understand how weather impacts different cultures in the world.

Communication and Collaboration

Students will understand the immediate significance of communicating weather data orally using media such as television, radio, and the internet. Using this data, students will appreciate the importance of accurate and effective forecasting on the lives of local and global citizens.

Students will recognize the value of written communication in forecasting weather. They will appreciate how both words and visuals symbols can be used to create forecasts which enrich and protect the lives of all people.

Informational, Media, and Technology Skills

Students will learn how computer models can be used to predict severe weather and understand the impact this has on citizens of both the US and the world. They will also research and understand tools that are used to gather information on the various components used in building a weather forecast.

Unit Learning Targets/Scaffolding to CPIs

This unit builds on the previous knowledge of students’ study of weather. The students will now understand how various atmospheric conditions interact to produce weather they have previously observed and recorded. They will add to their knowledge of basic weather instruments by understanding the role of more advanced instruments and technology. A key aspect of the unit is to help students see how weather not only affects them personally, but that weather has an effect on local, national, and international populations. This unit prepares students for a more complex study of global differences in climate and aids in building schema about the concept of a global energy budget.

Key Terms

Air mass – very large body of air with similar properties

Air Pressure – the force of air against earth’s surface

Anemometer – an instrument used to measure wind speed

Barometer – instrument used to measure air pressure

Climatograph – weather map

Dew point – the temperature at which a volume of air cannot hold any more water vapor

Doppler radar – a type of radar that calculates distance and shows direction of movement

Forecast – prediction of what the weather will be like in the future

Front – boundary between warm and cold air masses

Humidity – moisture in the air in the form of a gas called water vapor

Hurricane – large tropical storms that form over warm oceans

Meteorologist – a scientist who studies the weather

Precipitation – ice crystals or water which falls from clouds

Psychrometer – an instrument used to measure relative humidity

Relative humidity – the measurement that compares the amount of water vapor in the air with the amount the air can hold at a certain temperature

Satellites – detect large weather systems across the globe to determine worldwide patterns

Temperature – how hot or cold the air is

Thermometer – an instrument used to measure temperature

Tornado – violent funnel-shaped cloud with extremely strong winds

Weather balloons – balloons which contain sensors and radio transmitters which broadcast weather data back to ground stations

Instructional Strategies


Students should bring in sample weather maps from newspapers, watch forecast on daily television, and/or explore internet forecasts. What do these different formats have in common? What information do they give people about weather?

Read aloud picture books with weather-themes to stimulate student interest in topic and spark ideas for writing

Writer’s Notebook – write about a time when weather affected your own life

Integration of Technology and Use of Digital Tools

Students use word processor to create forecast based on weather map accessed through internet

Students use Excel to enter weather data such as daily temperature, humidity, etc. and create bar or line graphs based on data. Analyze data for patterns.

Students use internet to research a country to learn about its culture. Information about weather and its impact on the culture should be included.

Students watch videos on United Streaming website that relate to forecasting and severe weather.

Create a videotape or podcast of a weather forecast.

Use of Multiple Resources

Students will use text book and leveled texts to find information on weather.

Labs on Exploring Weather Patterns, Making a Barometer or Psychrometer (or other weather instruments) – see text Unit C Chap. 1

Customizing Learning/ Differentiation

Special Needs

Students will be instructed using pairing and small group activities where students of differing abilities and learning styles should be grouped together. Leveled texts will be used where available and appropriate. Assignments and assessments will incorporate a variety of multiple intelligences in order to address al learning styles.


ELL’s will be allowed to select their areas to study. Students’ families who have immigrated from other countries and regions should be encouraged to share their information and perspectives. Attention will be given to Tier 3 vocabulary words required by unit.

Gifted Learners

Offer higher level texts and articles to these learners. Encourage advanced vocabulary, more sophisticated writing style, and additional research in written assessments.

Formative Assessments

Personal Narrative – students write about a time when weather affected them in their own lives. Weather information should appear in the narrative and appropriate key vocabulary terms should be used correctly.

Weather Map – students will create a weather map showing information of at least 5 countries in the US. The map will include data such as temperature, fronts, and air masses as well as appropriate symbols.

Weather Forecast – write and perform a weather forecast based on the map you created.

Packet questions/quizzes from United Streaming videos (see teacher materials section of videos)

Lab Reports

Teacher created tests and quizzes

Interdisciplinary Connections

LA -Write a narrative about a time when weather affected you personally (3.2.6.A.2; 3.2.6.B.2)

LA/Tech - Write a weather forecast for chosen cities based on a weather map (3.2.6.A.2,5; 3.2.6.B.2), present forecast as news show format or podcast (3.3.6.A,B; 1.3.8.D.2,6; 8.1.8.A)

Math - Graph weather data in bar or line graph (4.4.6.A.1,2,3)

Soc Studies - Research a country in the world today to understand more about its culture. (3.1.6.H.1-6; 3.2.6.B.3; 3.2.6.D.1,2,7; 6.2.6.A.3)

Math - Read aloud weather-themed picture books (3.4.6; 3.1.6.G.4,8,9,11)

Art -Create weather map (1.3.8.D.2,6)

Sci -Engage in labs and write a lab report (5.1.8.C.1-3; 5.2.8.D.1-3; 3.2.6.A.1,2,11; 3.2.6.B.3; 3.2.6.D.1)

Career Ed -Research the job of meteorologist (9.3.8.B.9)

LA - Shared reading of realistic fiction book in which weather plays a role – Night of the Twisters/Ruckman (3.4.6; 3.1.6.G.4,8,9,11)


Text Scott Foresman Science (2000)

National Geographic leveled texts on weather – Introduction to Weather, Weather and Climate, Extreme Weather

Weather-themed picture books – Thunder Cake/Polacco, The Name Quilt/Root

United Streaming videos – videos on all aspects of weather especially forecasting and severe weather (

Interactive website - allows students to interact with atmospheric conditions that form weather, also forecasting and the water cycle (

USA Today Weather – How and Whys – interactive weather graphics


Windows to the Universe – information about weather events and the atmosphere, uses three reading levels (

Weather Glossary – vocabulary for all weather events (

National Climatic Data Center: (

National Hurricane Center: (

Tornados – interactive site with slideshow and quiz (

Thinkfinity – type in weather as the keyword and choose Science and grades 6-8 for lots of great lessons


NOAA Research site – information on water, atmosphere, storms (

How to create a weather station (

Severe Weather – Scholastic site with words to know, experiments, and firsthand accounts (

Suggested Activities for Inclusion in Lesson Planning

Weather Forecasts (Oral Communication, Written Communication, Technology, Collaboration Skills)

After creating a weather map of the United States targeting the weather in 5 cities, individual students will write detailed forecasts for each of the 5 cities. Students will work together in groups of 4 or 5 to create a mock forecast to share with the class. Each group would present a weather forecast with each group member giving detailed information on weather in one of the 5 cities. These forecasts could be performed live, videotaped, or recorded as podcasts.

Weather Station (Oral Communication, Collaboration Skills, Civic Awareness)

After creating weather instruments in labs, groups of students could gather daily data on weather from these tools to make predictions. The predictions would be written in the form of a daily forecast. These forecasts could be shared daily with the school community through morning announcements, classroom web pages, or a weather bulletin board located in a central location. See this website for information on easy materials to create a weather station (

Field Trip to Franklin Institute Science Museum (

Unit Timeline Enable cac card reader for mac.

Download fitbit connect mac os. Lesson Title

How do weather and technology affect people?

What Interactions Determine Weather?

How is technology used to collect weather data?

How are weather forecasts made?

What happens during severe weather?

Final Assessment


4 lessons

3 lessons

3 lessons (or more to set up weather station)

3 lessons

4 lessons

1 lesson


Lab on Exploring Weather Patterns, notes/assessments from texts, weather narrative

Notes/ assessments from texts, websites

Notes/assessments from texts, websites, labs on weather instruments, possible weather station

Notes/assessments from texts, websites, create Weather Map, write/perform Weather Forecast

Notes/assessments from texts, websites, United Streaming videos and assessments

Teacher created final assessment